Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Do I Get Rid of Internet Explorer Script Errors?

I only get them on a few web sites, such as I tried the solutions listed at Microsoft, also the Yahoo Help Desk. This includes going to Internet Options, Advanced, and clicking on Disable Script Debugging. So for those of you who are recommending that, thanks but it does not work. I use the Yahoo browser. Does anyone else experience this and have a solution that worked? Can someone who knows about these things please go to and see if the same thing happens to you? This is a legitimate web site, it is for the Target Department Stores. Thank you.

How Do I Get Rid of Internet Explorer Script Errors?windows messenger

use firefox internet explorer its safer, faster, and better

How Do I Get Rid of Internet Explorer Script Errors?microsoft works internet explorer

maybe you just need to "disable a notification about every script error"

the errors would still occur, but you wouldn't be annoyingly notified about them (status bar should still indicate a problem though)

what version of internet explorer are you using and which operating system?
The only real solution to getting rid of script errors is to fix them, and we can't fix other people's sites. You use a Microsoft product, you do it the way Microsoft wants you to do it.
You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

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